These cat proofing apartment tips can prevent serious accidents.

Put toxic materials and unsafe supplies out of your cat’s reach.

Cats are curious creatures that will run into trouble when they are bored.

Here are the best cat proofing apartment tips:

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Disclaimer: I earn a commission through affiliate links below. No additional cost to you.

Also, nothing I say is medical advice. All photos are of my cats.

street cat eats sponge
Jericho nibbled on my dishcloth!

1. Put food and containers out of your cat’s reach

Food and its containers should go behind locked cabinets.

That includes your garbage bins, recyclables, and sponges.

How I cat proof my apartment:

  • Dishcloths go in the cabinet
  • Food waste goes in the refrigerator until I can take it to the chute
  • Spray and wipe down counters after making food

Some human foods are toxic to cats.

So make sure anything that has food on it is locked away.

cat going into cabinet for garbage
Jericho caught red-handed trying to dumpster dive

2. Install baby locks to keep your cat out of cabinets

Child safety locks can keep your cat out of cabinets.

If your apartment has a lever door handle, consider using a child safety lock for it.

A client of mine had a cat who escaped into the hallway frequently. The cat was able to open the apartment door!

These safety locks will keep your cat out of unwanted areas.

kitty whip wand toy
Jericho enjoying the Kitty Whip

3. Put cat toys away when you cannot supervise play

Cats swallow things and get tangled very easily.

And most cat toys have strings and small pieces.

How I cat proof my apartment:

  • Only play with cat-safe toys
  • Inspect, clean, and replace toys regularly
  • Use a toy bin to stay organized

Put all cat toys away when you cannot supervise playtime.

This will keep your cat safe while you’re busy.

wire covers
Use wire hider protectors

4. Cover wires and blind cords to keep your cat safe

Wire protectors will protect wires from cats that like to chew on things.

This is absolutely necessary if you have teething kittens. But all cats like to chew on things.

So protect your wires.

Additionally, tie up blind cords so they are out of your cat’s reach.

Cats are attracted to strings and like to play with them.

They will get tangled easily. And this is a major choking hazard.

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5. Move furniture away from cat play areas

Cats are rambunctious when they play. They pay more attention to the toy than their surroundings.

Move furniture and any other pointy objects away from your cat’s play areas.

This will reduce the risk of bumping into furniture while you play.

ideas for cats in small apartments
Jericho’s window perch rests on a condo ledge for added security

6. Regularly check your cat’s condos and trees

Cats love to climb and jump around.

So your cat’s condos and trees may wobble out of place.

How I cat proof my apartment:

  • Check condos for stability weekly
  • Window perch rests on condo ledge for added stability
  • Clean and replace when necessary

Checking your cat’s condos can help prevent accidents.

Plus, if your cat isn’t comfortable using something, he won’t use it.

7. Lock up medication and other toxic materials

Many things we use can be toxic to cats.

All of these toxic materials should be locked up.

Some examples of toxic materials include:

  • Human medication and supplements
  • Lotions, soaps, toothpaste, beauty care supplies
  • Essential oils, candles, and scented sprays
  • Certain house plants

Put these materials behind a locked door.

Or eliminate them completely from your apartment.

Final thoughts on cat proofing apartments

Cats are curious creatures that get into things when we’re not looking.

Lock up food, toxic materials, and wires using safety locks and protectors.

Practice safe playtime and regularly check your cat’s supplies.

Need a centralized place to keep track of everything related to your cat? Grab my Cat Care Binder Bundle!